Pet Surgical Services

We perform many types of soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries at our hospital, all with strict standards for your pet’s safety and comfort.

Pet Surgical Services

Soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries can provide many significant health benefits to pets and help them live longer, happier lives with you.

Our skilled veterinarians all perform surgery on dogs, cats, and exotic pets. These procedures range from spaying and neutering to mass removals and more extensive procedures.

Cats and dogs should not have food or water after midnight on the day of their procedure. Please check with your veterinarian for guidance for all other types of pets since the night-before directions may vary depending on the procedure and species. If you have questions about your pet’s procedure, please reach out to us at (610) 687-1550.


Pet Orthopedic Surgery

Joint problems or injuries may necessitate orthopedic surgery at some point. Pet orthopedic surgery aims to repair or modify problems in an animal’s joints or bones, including acute emergencies (such as a fractured leg) or slow-growing chronic conditions (such as a degenerative joint condition, e.g., osteoarthritis).

If your pet is limping, refusing to run or jump, or having trouble standing up, going up stairs, or lying down, they may have an orthopedic problem that requires surgical attention. If they have been in an accident, treat the situation as an emergency and bring them to Radnor Veterinary Hospital immediately.

We will explain how to prepare your pet for the day of their surgery, what you can expect immediately following the procedure, how to administer any necessary post-operative medications, and how to recognize any problems that might signal the need for follow-up care.

As with other surgeries, cats and dogs should not have food or water after midnight on the day of their procedure. All other types of pets may have different instructions. Consult with your veterinarian before your pet’s procedure.

Please contact us if you’d like to discuss concerns about your pet’s health and if surgical intervention is potentially necessary.