Pet Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring
Our experienced veterinary team assesses every patient for safe anesthesia use and monitors them constantly throughout their procedure.
General Anesthesia
For some procedures, your pet will need to undergo general anesthesia. While modern anesthesia is safe, we perform a physical examination and relevant diagnostics for each patient ahead of the procedure to determine anesthetic risk and make any necessary adjustments to our protocols and monitoring for each individual patient.
We begin most general anesthetic procedures by administering a sedative to help the pet relax and manage pain. Typically, that is followed by other medications to allow our team to place a breathing tube into the patient’s airway (windpipe). This allows the delivery of anesthetic gas and oxygen during the procedure. Our skilled team of veterinary technicians and veterinarians is there every step of the way to make sure your pet is doing well before, during, and after anesthesia.
We want you to have a good understanding and comfort level regarding your pet’s procedure. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your pet receiving general anesthesia or about the procedure for which your pet is scheduled.